Who I Am

My entire life I have felt the connection with the Spirit world. My life experiences and opportunities to serve have allowed me to fully embrace my gifts and it is my great joy to serve. My highest goal is to share with you the truth that we do not die and that we can maintain continued bonds with our loved ones who have transitioned. Now as an ordained minister, accredited medium, healer and lecturer with the Spiritualist Church of Canada I offer you my integrity and leadership in service. After a long fulfilling career as Registered Veterinary Technician I am proud to become an Animal Chaplain with the Compassion Consortium in New York – among the first to step into this new frontier of spiritual care. I have obtained a degree in adult education and focus my teaching on transformational learning experiences. With an interdisciplinary certificate in Palliative care and many years providing death care I have obtained many life changing experiences that provide me with unique capacities. I have been blessed to serve in various capacities as a spiritual care provider for many years and it is my greatest joy.